Friday, January 20, 2017

The Night Before

I'm sitting in bed. Tired. Not really knowing where my head is at. But I know I need to figure it out. So I play the latest episode of Pod Save America, "Obama's Last Interview". I'm sad. I want to cry. The interview isn't sad but what's really getting me tonight is that this is all coming to an end in just hours. Hours.

Marlowe, my daughter. Just shy of 20 months old. I am not a political person. I don't even involve myself in anything outside of our life or our family but that's all about to change. I am overwhelmed with the heavy burden of making wrong, right. For standing for what I believe in for this country, this world and for you my only daughter.

Inauguration Day 2017

I was off from work today. I didn't watch the Inauguration of our 45th President. I took Marlowe to Gymboree. Where we sang songs, sat under the rainbow parachute and had a morning of fun. After, I ran some errands and ate pizza for lunch. Pretty American day.  Then I hopped on Facebook. That's when it all went south. I had an afternoon of feuding on posts. Followed by yelling, turned screaming, turned crying. My Monkey Brain was on high volume...OOOO AHHHH OOOO AHHHH. Noise. Chatter.

My very supportive husband is my best friend. He took the brunt of my explosive emotional breakdown. He was calm. He assured me he's on my side. But most importantly he let me "be". I wanted to be angry and sad. I wanted to feel ALL the feelings.

Things settled and we had a nice evening which included Marlowe dancing around to "Let It Go" (her new favorite thing).

Let it go. Let it go? Maybe there's a lesson here. A message from my little one less than 2 years old. Mom let it go.

Tomorrow I will participate in my first March. I am going to the Womans March on Charlotte  My  poster is ready and I'm excited to be a part of it. I'm also a little nervous of the unexpected. But I feel this is now something that will be part of my life and my grassroots approach to make a difference, letting my voice and beliefs be heard. So instead of doing the norm or drinking my morning coffee hanging out with the fam I'm stepping out of my comfort zone and will March in sync with the millions of other men, woman and children who feel the same. I am looking forward to a peaceful demonstration. I wish everyone across the country the same.
Marlowe helping me with my sign. #hearourvoice